Monday, March 21, 2011

Porters Listed in The ANZAC Memorial, 1914-1918

The ANZAC Memorial, is a book compilation that  commemorates those who served and died in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during World War I. The book contains a list (Roll of Honour) of almost 20,000 who died in the war.

The Anzac Memorial published by New South Wales Branch Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia in Sydney, Australia September, 1919

Honour Roll - Soldiers & Sailors, Officers and Men, of the Australasian Imperial Expeditionary Forces. Died on Service from August 4, 1914 to June 30, 1919

Name, rank, unit, cause of death, date of death

Porter, O. E., Pte. 60th Battn. Illness 19/11/18
Porter, J. W., Cpl. 7th F.C. Engrs. K. in A. 5/17/18
Porter, J., Pte. 7th Battn. K. in A. 4/10/18
Porter, T., Pte. 46th Battn. D. of W. 30/6/18
Porter, T. H., Cpl. 10th F. Amb. D. of W. 20/5/18
Porter, S. E., Pte. 9th F. Amb. K. in A. 28/4/17
Porter, W. F., Pte. 1st Battn. K. in A. 5/11/16
Porter, S. G., Pte. 53rd Battn. K. in A. 24/9/17
Porter, J. H. C., Pte. 4th Battn. K. in A. 24/7/16
Porter, F., L.-Sgt. 19th Battn. K. in A. 12/11/16
Porter, F. M., Pte. 54th Battn. D. of W. 2/11/16
Porter, S. N., Pte. 15th Battn. K. in A. 9/8/15
Porter, A. E., Pte. 3rd Battn. K. in A. 27/7/16
Porter, W. J., Pte. 13th Battn. K. in A. 3/5/15
Porter, L., Pte. 30th Battn. K. in A. 30/9/17
Porter, J., Pte. 25th Battn. K. in A. 4/10/17
Porter, W. H., Pte. 53rd Battn. K. in A. 19/7/16
Porter, A. W., Pte. 58th Battn. K. in A. 10/5/17
Porter, W. R., Lieut. 18th Battn. K. in A. 3/5/17
Porter, S. F., Capt. 15th Battn. D. of W. 25/11/18
Porter, S. E., Pte. 9th F. Amb. K. in A. 8/4/17
Porter, C. A., Pte. 18th Battn. K. in A. 15/4/1?

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