Sunday, March 20, 2011

Black Sheep Sunday: Death of Noted Criminal Frank Porter

Chicago Daily Tribune
July 11, 1882

Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune

NEW YORK, July 10 - Frank Porter, a Criminal well known in all parts of the country, who has spent most of his time in prison, died this morning in the hospital of the Kings County Penitentiury from a complication of disorders brought on by debauchery and crime. The chief characteristic of the man was his absolutely pitiless nature. About a year ago he cut open a fellow convict's face from his ear to his mouth, simply because he took a dislike to the man. Some years ago, while in Sing-Sing, he tore out a fellow-convict's eye and threw it against the prison wall with a savage laugh. Porter was serving a five years sentence for burglary when he died. When he first became dangerously Ill he said he would just as soon go to hell from the penitentiary as anywhere else. Porter is an assumed name, and the man is not "Billy Porter," the well-known bank burglar.

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